Personal Blog

The goal of this mini-project was to set up a simple website to use as a personal blog. You are currently looking at the result of it.
The What
The basic idea was to set up a simple blog that allows me to manage posts on some topics that interest me and to provide some info on some of the projects I work on. Having played around with Wordpress in the past, I wanted to try something different this time.
My main requirements:
- Easy to use (for me, so opinionated)
- Easy to host, on a custom domain with HTTPS
- Free of costs, no licence or hosting fees
- Learn something new in the process
The Why
My main motivation is to have a place to keep track of some of the technical experiments I do and their outcomes. A blog that allows me to write small posts, tag them, and easily search through them seemed like a good solution.
If others may find these experiments and learn from them, that would be an additional benefit. And if in turn they would provide feedback, even better!
The How
After looking around a bit I decided to try out the following:
- Use Hugo, a static site generator written in Go
- Write the content in markdown
- Use a GitHub repository to keep the sources
- Use another GitHub repository to host the resulting blog
- Open Source the result so others might learn from it
The Results
The current state of this project is open for all to see. Look around and take a look at the sources if you are interested.
This is a work in progress, posts will be added and edited to my likings, and I hope to add some additional features every now and then as well.
I hope you may find this useful somehow!